Saturday, February 6, 2010

Country Music Hall Of Fame

Today the Country Music Hall Of Fame and Museum was FREE!! I guess once a year, they set aside a Saturday for all the common folk to come and check it out (since it usually costs 20 dollars to get in normally!) Since Mom was working and it was a cold blustery day, we decided to check it out. (My apologies for the small amount of pics and that they might be a bit blurry. The Museum will not let you take pics with a flash, making it very hard to get a good pic in there. I did my best!)

Caeley really loved this dress worn by Loretta Lynn. She was even more excited to learn that her friend CJ has a friend that drums for her currently! (Only in Nashville!)

A suit worn by country legend Hank Williams. Elijah liked this suit a lot. There are musical notes on the arms if you look closely.

WOW!!! These walls are my favorite thing. Just seeing all the classic songs and albums, the creative talent that worked on all these hits is pretty inspiring!

THIS is what you had to use back in the day before you could do it all on your laptop!

The "Man in Black", Johnny Cash's place in the Hall of Fame.

Elijah not believing me that these were Daddy's gold records..

Saw a lot that I would like to look at more closely but could not due to the attention span of my two companions. But you can't beat free, and the kids did enjoy it quite a bit. I love exposing them to all the musical culture Nashville has to offer! Till next time!

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