Sunday, January 31, 2010

A REAL Nashville Snow Day!

A few weeks ago, I was amazed that Caeley’s school was closed due to less then half of an inch of snow. But we really got snow this weekend. More than Nashville has seen in a long time. Check it out!

Hey! We got snow last night!


Cleaning off the cars

This is what I get for mocking New England!

Tough man with cute mittens

Since we don’t have sleds, (who thought we’d need them?), We resorted to garbage bags for sleds


Caeley actually got down a few times!

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But Christie and the kids built something even better!

I present to you..... SNOWASAURUS!!!


Crazy huh?

Elijah marvels at the Dino find!!!

All in all, an amazing time was had by all! 6 inches of white stuff in Nashville, who would have thought it???


2 days later, we finally built a snowman! Here he is!!!

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