Friday, April 9, 2010

EASTER SUNDAY!! Baskets, Egg Hunts and BIG dinners!

Easter itself was absolutely wonderful and a perfect end to a perfect weekend. Caeley started off the morning quite early and her brother soon joined in on investigating what they both got in their Easter Baskets. After church, we came home and had our own Easter Egg hunt around the house! Then we started getting ready for our dinner where we had 14 PEOPLE coming over ! It was great! Everyone there was from somewhere else and couldn't get back for the holidays due to work, or was brand new to the area. It made for a great day of feeling connected together. Here are the highlights!

Caeley and Elijah opening their cards! Thanks to Nana, Laine and Pop, and Carrie and Kris!

Look what I found!

a very satisfied egg hunter

Again, one of the best parts of this weekend was watching how kind and loving our two kids were to each other. Here Caeley found and egg she knew Elijah would like and ran to give it to him.

The Conquerors!

Caeley sorting out all of her candy. Does this remind you of anyone??

Caeley was in charge of basting the turkey which she did a great job with! Go Cales!

One of the highlights of having everyone over was the adult easter egg hunt. The kids have all the fun, so we put out over 40 Easter eggs for just the adults to find. It was fun to watch grown adults, mostly doctors whose job it is to save lives, acting like kids. Here is Adam blissfully happy over his find.

Tara racking up the candy!

Caeley helping the adults find the eggs

The whole crew! Thanks to everyone for making it a great day!

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