Friday, April 30, 2010

It's been 5 YEARS!!!

Could it really be? I know it's hard to believe but it is true! Our little bundle of joy that arrived May 1st 2005 is now a rip roaring, singing and dancing, dinosaur studying, adoring big sister and soon to be Kindergartner!! I'm sure it will be a huge media event with lots of video and pics this weekend, but to start it off, I want to share with you my first present to my darling little girl. The video below is for a song I wrote for Caeley before I even knew her! Since then, and especially this year, it has been a special thing between me and Cales. There are many nights where Caeley asks me to sing it to her at night as she is going to sleep. She knows every word and sings it with me many nights. So for her birthday, I wanted to record it for her for a CD that she can play anytime she wants. As I started recording, I thought it would be cool to have a permanent record for Caeley to show how it all started for her using a video. I also sing to her in this video. I showed it to her tonight before she went to sleep and she loved it. I definitely got the bigger present tonight. So here it is. Caeley, I love you and am so blessed to be your dad and to see you grow into an amazing, smart, funny and beautiful little girl.

(For some reason, the video is cut in half on this page. Click on the link in the picture that says "The Letter- Caeley's song" That will take you to the page and you can view it the right way! Sorry for the extra step!)

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


The contest just keeps giving! I did an interview with The Washington Post today not just on the USA win but on our winning streak! Here's a pic of the website page! Go to the link below to see the actual article!

Monday, April 19, 2010

The Feisty Stingray!!!

Face washing gone horribly wrong...

Daddy Daughter Dance!!

Last Friday Caeley and I went to our first Daddy Daughter Dance! I am sure this will become an annual event because we both had SO much fun. Seriously, this night was one of the best times I have ever had with Caeley. It was so much fun, and the pictures and video do not do it justice. But instead of trying to capture most of it, I just wanted to enjoy the moments in real time. Sometimes you just have to do that! But I did get some footage and pics and here they are!

Heading out!

My little girl is growing up!

I love pictures like this . Caeley isn't doing anything amazing in the picture but her smile is so genuine, she was so so happy.

While dancing was fun, it was definitely all about the snacks!!

It was a great night. It was a good feeling to be in a room full of dedicated dads who love their little girls and want to show them that they are special and loved. Caeley said that her favorite part of the night was "everything". I couldn't have said it any better....

Saturday, April 10, 2010


Today we headed north to Kentucky (yes, I said NORTH!) to take the kids to Dinosaur World. For those who are not aware, Caeley LOVES dinosaurs!! It is about an hour and a half away from us, and after a rough start with traffic, we had a FANTASTIC DAY! Check out the highlights!

At the entrance about to go in

Elijah gets a piggy back ride from a dino!

"NO DAD!!" "Not all dinosaurs were big!"

Caeley and I smiling before being eaten....

T Rex hanging with Triceratops


Mom and Cales hanging with one of the herbivores


This was where the kids could dig for small "fossils" and they could keep three to bring home.

Excavating a stegosaurus skeleton in the "Boneyard"

Snack time!

Mammoth ride!

These ain't no elephants!

What's that on the dino's foot

It's the Sullivan Family!

Have you ever been berated by a dinosaur? Not fun!


As you can see we had an amazing day! Next up the Daddy Daughter Dance on Friday!

Friday, April 9, 2010


Hey everyone! Great news! Team Sullivan just racked up it's 4th VIDEO CONTEST WIN!! This one was for the video we did for USA.GOV. We won 2,500! Here is the video again for those who didn't see it. Out of the judged contests, not the ones where you have to get the most votes, we are 4 for 4! God has given us a great avenue to help provide for our family and also gives us great times putting them together as a family. Thanks to all of our friends and family for all their support!

EASTER SUNDAY!! Baskets, Egg Hunts and BIG dinners!

Easter itself was absolutely wonderful and a perfect end to a perfect weekend. Caeley started off the morning quite early and her brother soon joined in on investigating what they both got in their Easter Baskets. After church, we came home and had our own Easter Egg hunt around the house! Then we started getting ready for our dinner where we had 14 PEOPLE coming over ! It was great! Everyone there was from somewhere else and couldn't get back for the holidays due to work, or was brand new to the area. It made for a great day of feeling connected together. Here are the highlights!

Caeley and Elijah opening their cards! Thanks to Nana, Laine and Pop, and Carrie and Kris!

Look what I found!

a very satisfied egg hunter

Again, one of the best parts of this weekend was watching how kind and loving our two kids were to each other. Here Caeley found and egg she knew Elijah would like and ran to give it to him.

The Conquerors!

Caeley sorting out all of her candy. Does this remind you of anyone??

Caeley was in charge of basting the turkey which she did a great job with! Go Cales!

One of the highlights of having everyone over was the adult easter egg hunt. The kids have all the fun, so we put out over 40 Easter eggs for just the adults to find. It was fun to watch grown adults, mostly doctors whose job it is to save lives, acting like kids. Here is Adam blissfully happy over his find.

Tara racking up the candy!

Caeley helping the adults find the eggs

The whole crew! Thanks to everyone for making it a great day!

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Easter Weekend: Saturday: Egg Coloring!!

After naptime, it was time to color eggs. Here are the highlights!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Easter Weekend: Saturday: EGG HUNT!!!

Hi everyone. The next few blog posts will be all about this past Easter weekend. On Saturday, we all went to the great Nashville Zoo for their Egg Hunt. This thing was the best run egg hunt I had been apart of. The kids could pick one egg or 1,000 and they would get the same thing once they returned the eggs for their prize pack. And they had a TON of eggs! It was done by age group which also helped alot. One thing that is very clear in these pics and video is that these two are becoming very very close. It is such a joy to see it happening before our eyes! They really love hanging out and enjoying each other's company! Check it out!

Hanging out waiting for the hunt to begin....

Elijah off to help Caeley out on her hunt

Elijah and Mick The Moose!

WARNING! This video contains an unusual amount of cuteness!

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Hey Everyone! This is our new video contest entry. The best thing about it? YOU DON'T HAVE TO DO ANYTHING BUT ENJOY IT!! Thanks to all who voted in our last contests and from the Sullivan family to yours, we wish you a Blessed Easter!