So after the excitement of Christmas there was still more to do! It was time to see more friends and family and so we had a jam packed day of fun times on Saturday. Check it out!
Caeley and Laine coming in from one of their many outdoor excursions. Judging by Cales's face, it looked like they had a great time!
Our friends, The Owens clan from Boston, came to visit us in New Milford. We were all a little tired of documenting the week's festivities, so we decided to just relax and live the moments in real time. We did manage to get a pic of the best friends Noah and Elijah, rocking the funky mics.
That evening, the Emmerichs stopped by! It is rare to get the whole family together for a visit, so we were excited to see all of them in one place.
Rob, Christie, and Aunt Joanne!
FJ and Elijah certainly hit it off and had some quality guy time.
Everyone enjoying another great meal at Laine and Pop's! It's hard to remember that space used to be a bedroom!
Some of the guys hanging out on the cool new couch!
And again, the return of Santa Boo!
And then it was time for what seemed to be a nightly occurrence, the Caeley Singing and Dancing Revue!
The other half of the dynamic duo, Laine, rocking the accompaniment!
"NO!! LAINE!!! I want to count it off!!"
After the singing and dancing, Caeley read a bed time story to everyone. She had everyone, including herself, cracking up!
One of the gifts Elijah and Caeley received was this "Goin' Fishin'" game. The game was a revamped version of an old game that the older cousins used to play. The older cousins were excited when Laine produced the original from the basement! Good going Laine! She never gets rid of anything associated with a memory!
It was truly a special Christmas for our kids this year! We want to take the time to truly thank Laine and Pop for going way way above and beyond what we could ever have imagined for Christmas. From the decorations of the house, to showering of gifts and the full use of their perfect home to entertain our friends, we truly truly appreciate it. Thanks for being such great grandparents to our kids, and their home away from home!