Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Now I know how Toto felt....

You know that you are living in a severe weather region when there is a tv channel devoted just for weather in your state!!!  Last week there were three crazy storms and two tornado warnings!  But nothing was like yesterday.  I had come home from a great morning with the kids.  It was sunny and hot and we came home for lunch and a nap.  As I was cleaning up after lunch while the kids were napping I took a glance outside.  It was so dark it looked like it was dusk outside!  I ran out to the deck to get the cushions off the patio furniture.  When I got out there, I saw the most ominous clouds I have seen since I watched Hurricane Gloria roll in.  It wasn't that they were dark, it was that the sky was light, except for these dark clouds that were moving super fast.  The other thing is that the clouds also looked like clouds of smoke look like when there is an implosion, they change form and swirl around.  It's kind of hard to explain.  There was also crazy wind.  Branches were littering the driveway and deck and a neighbors tree started cracking and part of it fell down.  I ran into the house and out of the rain, and turned on the Nashville Weather channel.  And sure enough, we were under a tornado warning.  The other night they got everyone who came to see Brooks and Dunn and Reba McIntyre at the local football stadium off the field due to crazy lightning and wind!  That's the bad news.  The good news is that most of the weather down here is beautiful.  Unlike the northeast, the storms here come through super quick and then they are over.  So for example yesterday, the morning was beautiful, then there was this crazy crazy storm, then a few hours later it was beautiful again! Just so you guys don't think I am being a little silly, check out these pics from yesterday courtesy of the local tv station websites.

Crazy Ghostbusters clouds!!!

This picture was taken at the Green Hills Mall which is about a mile from our house!  

1 comment:

  1. The last picture looks impressive. Mysterious colors!
