Saturday, April 4, 2009


March 19th 2009, a day that seemed would never come.  March 19th for all med students across the country is known as "Match Day".  On this day, all med students across the country find out where they are going for their residency years.  It is not like college where you get accepted by many places and you pick which place you want to go.  On this day you are given an envelope, and in that envelope is the name of the place you will be for the next few years of your life.  Christie picked Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville as her number one pick, and she got it!  So now it begins,  in the next 2 months we have to uproot from our hometown of Boston, find a place to live, sell our house, physically move us and and our two kids.  We switch our roles as parents, as Christie starts her 3 year residency in Emergency medicine, and I return to being a stay at home dad.  We adjust to a major cultural change as we all live in the south for the first time in our lives.  We leave family and friends to go to a place we know very few people.  But we are SO EXCITED!!!  We have no doubt that God has led us to our soon to be new hometown.  With all these changes, excitement and challenges, we thought this chapter of our lives would make great subject matter for a blog.  This is also a great way to keep in touch with all the peeps up north.  So welcome!  Buckle up!  It's going to be an amazing ride!!


  1. Yeah! Blogging is so much fun! See I told you it was easy. What a great way for us to keep up to date with everything.

  2. What a great idea and a great way to keep us all in the loop with all you are doing! Love you all!

  3. Congrats on getting your 1st choice and good luck with the big move. Here's hoping we get our #1 choice from the Coast Guard for our move this summer. Can't wait to watch your adventure unfold!
