Today was my 38th birthday, and it was one of the best. Christie and the kids got up and decorated the kitchen with Doodlebops birthday apparel and made me a great bacon and eggs breakfast.
Caeley also drew me the best picture she has ever drawn. The only thing Christie helped her with was how to spell the names and the "Dad" since she was running out of room. The rest was totally Caeley! WOW!!!
After church, we came home and the kids took a nap. Christie and I played some tile rummy (yes I am 38!! At least I have an excuse!) After I won, though Christie calls it a tie, I went out to the shed to play my guitar REALLY loud. After the kids woke up, they came out and I turned it down for their little ears. But even though it wasn't very loud, it was a whole load of fun....
After our jam session, we came in and began to make dinner. Steak and homemade mashed potatoes!! After dinner it was cake time!!! (Notice I'm 30 again!! AWESOME!!)
My son clearly has a future in KISS cover bands!!
Dismantling the cake!!
And then the big surprise of the night!! I got a bass guitar!! This was the last piece of the puzzle that I needed to start recording my songs. Now I am all set! Thanks to my darling wife!! Love you babe!!

Overall, an amazing birthday!! And what did I do? I just hung out with the three people I love the most in this world. And what was the best gift that I got today? That's easy........
The never ending gift from God of my amazing life with my wonderful family. Thank you Lord, I am blessed beyond measure!!