Sunday, May 31, 2009

Partying down at the Wildhorse Saloon!!

When Christie and I came for her interview in November, we went downtown to see the sights.  One of the places we stopped at was The Wildhorse saloon.  This place is great!! Later at night it is one of the premier music spots in downtown Nashville. (you might have seen it on shows like "Nashville Star" and the CMT show "Gone Country".  The cool thing about this place is that if you go early on nights they don't have a big band, before 6pm, you don't have to pay a cover charge!  So Christie and the kids went tonight, had dinner and danced for over 2 hours for the cost of dinner!  They had a live band and in between they did line dance lessons.  We all had a fantastic time.  Here are some highlights...

The AT&T tower aka The "Batman" Tower in downtown Nashville....

Arriving at The Wildhorse.  Caeley clearly already likes the place...

The Phil Vaught band, who were really good!  I have yet to hear anyone not really good down here!

Elijah was a little overwhelmed at first.  He wanted to go on the dance floor, but not without backup.  So Daddy and Boo checked out the band together...

Clearly the apprehension did not last!!  The Sullivans cutting the rug at The Wildhorse!

Elijah in awe..

Caeley was loving this place.  You can't force smiles like this out of this girl!

Back to the dancing!!  Caeles and Mom working hard at mastering the art of the line dance...

Caeley and a new friend dancing the night away!

Taking a break...

Teaching the boy about rock up close... (and for those of you who say it's country, even when it's country, it's ROCK!!)

Caeley gets serenaded on Broadway!

We had a great night and can't wait to take YOU to the Wildhorse when you come down to see us! Later y'all!

Checking out the Zoo!

Last Wednesday we went to visit the Nashville Zoo for the first time.  The zoo is about ten minutes from our house.  When we got there, we got a great surprise.  The membership from the Boston zoo we used to go to that is still valid until November 30th, is honored here as well!  So we can go to the zoo as much as want until November for free!  Very exciting!  Here are some pics from the day..

Well hello there Mr. Gibbon!!

Why are there always merry go rounds at Zoos?  Caeley loves em...

and so does Elijah!

The zoo in Boston doesn't have elephants!!!

Checking out the Meerkats from the best possible spot!

at the petting zoo..

Caeley had a little goat, little goat, little goat..

THIS should have been my TN driver license picture!

Sunday, May 24, 2009

The Trek To Nashville Part Two..

With everything packed we left Boston Friday night for a last night in CT.  After a wonderful morning, we headed out for the big journey.  I led the way with the U Haul and Christie followed behind me with the kids.  She was like the cars that you see on the highways which has WIDE LOAD written on it that follows those already built houses that they move on a flatbed.  Anytime I needed to change lanes, I would signal, and she would block off the traffic.  About an hour into the trip, Christie calls me frantic.  STOP THE TRUCK!!! THE TRAILER IS OPEN!!! STOP!!!  There was nowhere to pull over, so I pulled over where I was, which was the worst place for you to pull over:  right before and exit, right around a corner, where there was no shoulder!  After securing the trailer we were off again.  Our kids shocked and amazed us with what great travelers they were.  The first day we were on the road for over 12 hours, and the kids were amazing!!  We were trying to pace ourselves, but Caeley just wanted to get there.  "Come on, let's go!"  she would say, "Let's go to Nashville!"  We got as far as the southern tip of Virginia our first night.  The following video shows what troopers our kids are, how they had their own exercise regimen, and the excited reaction as they first arrive at their new house!!  At the very end you will see the daughter of our landlord who came with her dad to drop off the keys.  She shows Cales her new room which used to be the girl's old room.  They have hit it off quite well!! 

The Trek To Nashville Part One...

So before we get started, I want to thank everyone who has helped us in any way shape or form in the last few weeks get ourselves down to Nashville.  It was a massive undertaking and we are truly grateful to all of you for taking time out of your busy lives to help us.  THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!! THANK YOU!!  With that said, let's get down to business shall we?  I'm sitting here typing this in our new home in Nashville.  It feels like home now, all the boxes are unpacked, with only pictures left to put on walls, and books to arrange on shelves, but mostly we are in and it feels SO GOOD!  Last week things were quite different to say the least!  We got the truck on Thursday the 14th and found out quite quickly that the 17 foot truck would not be big enough so we had to add a trailer to the back of the truck.  YIKES!!  On Thursday we had a lot of our great friends from our bible study help us load up the truck in the rain.  Also my brother in law Rob, who is literally like three guys working, and our great friends Mike and Davina helped us get all of the big stuff in the truck. We spent the night on just our mattresses.

Caeley and I discussing the big move on Thursday night..

 But there was still lots more to do, and Christie's folks came up to help finish the job on Friday.  Here are some of the pics from that day.  

Figuring out how it all is going to fit.....

The mattress is the last thing to go!

Elaine keeping Elijah busy.  She is also a cleaning machine!  Thanks Elaine!

Somehow it all fits!! Praise God!!

Going out happy.  Last family photo at the Boston house..

Last bag of trash. Time to go!!

An empty house.  Christie and I took one more walk through.  So many great memories.  It was an emotional moment.  We will always love Boston and all our good friends (especially our pals next door!)  But it was time to hit the road.....

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Consumed by boxes

How many boxes does it take to pack up your life?? 

We're still counting.....